Hand-built Homes of the Imaginary Kind: Phoenix Commotion

Chateau by Dan-Phillips

Chateau by Dan-Phillips

Dan and Marsha Phillips are my heroes of the built world. They craft beautiful otherworldly homes, by hand (by hand!) for folks who can’t afford to buy a home.  They assist in the loan application process and walk the owners through a hand-built home from recycled and discarded building materials, objects and whimsies.

It is absolutely incredible. Wander over to their Facebook page for more photos and monographs on their methods and creations. Absolutely worth a visit. Oh wouldn’t it be grand to have them built my dream studio in the trees?

The community, cause and sheer, gritty creativity is nothing short of inspiring. Get your minds stretched by checking out their other projects!(Most of the homes look like traditional English and European cottages that have gone through a Coraline-esque re-imagining! Weird, warped and just wonderful.)