The TreeSpace Studio Youtube Channel is here!

Hello everyone, Good news, the studio now has our very own Youtube Channel here : . Subscribe to our channel and receive the latest videos from us from painting and paper-crafting demonstrations, new artwork launches and other fun goodies. Our very first video is an origami fold demo for a potential client from Australia/Malaysia. The pink portion of the …

Gorgeous Etsy Treasury: 1000 Leagues Check out this etsy treasury, our painted map is included, and many other beautiful and unusual handcrafted objects….love it, thank you for including me Beijaflores, so honored!

Vampires, Farmhouses and Enchanted Forests

As lucky as we are to have beautiful 70-degree sunshine most of the year here in Southern California, every now and then a yearn for the romantic dreariness of Northern California calls to us. We took a road trip up to the Big Basin Redwoods for a 6-mile hike through its enchanted forest, stopped by Santa Cruz for some rainy, …

Wedding Charette: A Story of Fate

Nick originally wanted letterpress-ed invitations on a simple, rectangular classy card to go with the elegant wood-panelled banquet halls in the exclusive English-styled club where the wedding dinner would take place. After a tricky bout with printers and concern over time, budget and quality, he wanted to explore possible alternatives and presented me with his dilemma. Early inspirational images included …

A Wedding Charette: A Thai Buddhist Wedding for an Irish couple from Australia!

This latest charette was most intriguing and captivated me from the start. A couple after my own heart, with a wedding and a story that spans three continents and crosses 2 cultures! Claire and Stephen (or Digo and Joycer) hailed from Ireland and met and fell in love at a local music festival. Fast forward to today, they now live …

Did you know you can schedule an Initial Consultation with us?

How do you know if custom artwork invitations are your thing? Here’s the good news, not many realize that we offer initial consultation charettes, either through Etsy or our official website. It is buried within our services so I have decided to bring it up to the front page. There is a $95 fee, fully creditable towards the final package …

Atelier Tuesday: of Books, Gardens and Sunflowers

A little peek into the latest wedding storybooklet creation for KC and Greg inspired by Mrs Spitzer’s Garden, cheerful sunflowers and little sweethearts. Pen and ink and watercolor custom illustration and printed on lovely Japanese washi paper in an accordian fold-out style. Comes with a thick classic Baronial-style envelope handmade from Nepalese Lotka paper! There is a wonderful little quote …

Atelier Thursday: Romancing the Letter…

Remember The Jane post here? Well today, I glued, wax sealed and return-address stamped (custom calligraphy) 130 of these individual hand-folded envelope ‘letter’ save the dates, the old fashioned (well, almost) way! It makes me want to gather my hair up in curls, don a long lace dress and put my feet in dainty satin slippers!

Atelier Thursday: Sneak Peek Prints on New Paper!

I presented the final proofs of a new bespoke painted invitation today, printed on special handmade paper with a smooth surface and textured bark-like surface on the reverse! The papers are amazing to the touch! Can’t really reveal a whole lot right now, but here are several teasers from the project! One hint, the venue is local here in Los …