The Heart Revolution


My dear imagineer, this story today has been scratching at me lately like a little puppy looking for attention. I can’t shake it off and I know I want to give it the love it’s asking for so here it is!

Today I’m sharing a very special post. I want to take you on a little time travel to 5 years from now and take a peek there. There’s something on the brink that’s already happening. In fact little strains of pink-colored threads have started weaving its way into our current space.

We are on the brink of a Heart Revolution : Intuitive decision makers, soul scanners, meaningful minimalists. That’s the future.

Brevity, clarity, simplicity. HEART. Folks have little patience for much else!

♥What does a Heart Revolution Look Like? An Imagination Exercise

  • Folks only work with/buy from people they are recommended to
  • Folks only work with/buy from people they emotionally resonate with
  • Folks only work with/buy from people they are fascinated and enchanted by
  • Folks only work with/buy from people who give them something that is meaningful to them
  • Folks only work with/buy from people who make them feel great throughout the process
  • Folks only work with/buy from people they can trust
  • Folks only work with/buy from people who they know can provide them something they cannot get anywhere else

In this world, our inboxes are distraction-free, by choice because letting an ounce in is painful. Folks unsubscribe from anything but the most important. (Have you ever been to a Discount Store?)

Because our attention is sacred and information is overwhelming, we edit, edit and edit, letting into our lives only what is most meaningful to us.

The last point in the imagination exercise above is really hard. It really is. While we would all love to come up with the next brilliant idea (myself included!), the thing is, we’ll most likely hit upon something that’s already been done before or get paralyzed by comparison-itis.

So how do you make yourself memorable and worthy of doing business with?

The Heart Revolution is the reason why sustainable, social entrepreneurship, crowd-funding and craft businesses are on the rise. Why creative businesses is on the rise. Yes we want something different, but we also want something meaningful, to us. And if you don’t resonate emotionally, you don’t get looked at.

And it’s not even about being remarkable, it’s about being you, because YOU are remarkable, just as you are. You just have to give yourself permission to shine.

Come join me at the Story Parlor for The Sticky Brand Workshop (free at the moment) and we’ll take you out, polish you and show you off to the world, beautiful, imperfect, glorious and wholeheartedly amazing.
